
Friday, September 5, 2014

Starting out with expectations

So we made it! The first four days are done and I am so pleasantly surprised at how well it went! Transitioning back to the classroom from my year of coaching was a physical challenge and my mindset is still slowly shifting, especially concerning parent relations :) but I'm getting used to balancing it all again. That being said, my students are wonderful, truly a joy. Notice I didn't say perfect, because they are not, but they have already brought so much joy me and they seem to truly be enjoying themselves... in fact, one cried getting on the bus to GO HOME at the end of the day today, she didn't want to leave our classroom :)          
Anyway, I wanted to share a bit of our work so far, mostly on starting routines. I've always enjoyed the process of creating classroom expectations and this year was no different. We started by writing down individual ideas on post-its. Everyone did at least two post-its, but some students made more. 

We grouped the post-its by similarities, mostly with the students noticing the commonalities. After that we created synthesis statements together. They really only needed my help in the first one, then lots of turn and talk and a few versions later.....we ended up with these :) Good job Second Graders!

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