
Monday, September 22, 2014

Fluency practice with ipads

Today my second graders and I spent some time practicing reading fluency. I spent quite a bit of time in my mini lesson helping them understand that even teachers have different opinions about fluency and how it should be assessed and practiced. From there we talked about what our classroom definition would be and why it was important. I shared with them a fluency checklist/rubric that is kid friendly and illustrated. I don't have an electronic copy, but you might be able to see some of it if you zoom in to the photos below. 
Then, during Reader's Workshop I met with them in groups of 8 ( I have a 1:3 ratio for ipads in my classroom) and we talked more. In  these small groups I trained them on how to use the camera app to record a video of themselves reading a page from one of their just right books. Then I sent them off, with an ipad, fluency checklist and their book. 
 Just after they recorded, they were instructed to listen to the recording once for each area of fluency and evaluate themselves. They listened to the recording 5 times total. Once they knew what they needed to improve on, they were to re-read the same page and re-record it. Both short videos were sent to me.
 They truly enjoyed the work and had deeper insights than I expected. The immediate feedback and adjustments were anchored in self reflection which brought such value to the learning. I look forward to doing this every other week with them.

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