As a result of my commitment to standards-based instruction and formative assessment, I went ahead and decided to use google docs to organize evidence of my students mastery of the standards. I started by making a folder for each of them, as pictured below....
In each of their folders I made a folder for each content area, just for my own sanity and organization for when I'm retrieving the documents and images later...
While my students are working throughout the day, after I've graded important papers or as I'm listening to them read, I use the google docs app on my ipad to quickly snap pictures and upload to the individual folders by selecting the "use camera" option from the upload drop-down menu. It might seem a little clunky but I'm getting really fast at it :)
Then within the folders I have evidence of learning within that content area, as pictured below....
Which I later link to another document organized by learning target, like this...
The reason I have this secondary document is because I can more easily see who has mastered the standard and who has not...easier differentiation and grouping when I'm planning intervention and extension.
As a side note, I want to mention that some of the "I can" statements were provided for me and some of them I designed on my own because my district hasn't gotten to that content area in their learning target development. Everything is work in progress but these folders are setting me up for more success than I could have imagined :)
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