One of the things I never felt I did a good job of in the past was gathering pre-assessment data from my students, particularly in the beginning of the year. I was determined to change that this time around. So here are few of the things I did....
Number collection pages, sometimes known as number collections boxes. Basically I just asked them to represent the number I wrote on the middle of their page (each child got a different number) We talked briefly about different ways (coins, pictures, equations, etc) and then I sent them off, encouraging creativity. It was a great peek into their number sense and flexible thinking. I saw full calendars drawn with numbers circles, ten sticks, clocks, coins, hands, squares, tallies, number words, and lots of others.
The other thing we did was math tool exploration stations. I watched and took notes as they worked , giving very little feedback, just asking questions to find out more about their thinking. They explored with ways to sort and connect dominoes, pattern block creations, counting cubes and flash cards and lastly shape stencils. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised at their work and creations, and felt as though I got some great insights about what they were capable of in terms of number sense, subitizing, addition, subtractions and shape identification.
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